Introducing: M365 Enterprise Sharing Governance

Has data security ever gotten in the way of collaboration with clients or partners?

Percentage Circle

83% of U.S. organizations have accidentally exposed sensitive data.

Percentage Circle

93% of ransomware incidents handled by Microsoft revealed deficiencies in controlling privileged access and lateral movement.

Percentage Circle

83% of companies will experience at least one data breach.

How does eShare stand out from traditional sharing methods offered by Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Box, and similar platforms?

Logo - Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
Logo - Dropbox, Google, and Box
Google + Others

Store  data
in your own tenant

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Bring your own

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Control policies
per file

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Branding & domain consistency

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Frictionless user

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Rich analytics
and reports

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Case Studies

Global Biotechnology Pioneer

Global Biotechnology Pioneer

eShare Teams Up with a Global Biotechnology Pioneer for Organizational Excellence

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Empowering a Fortune 100 Company with eShare's Governance Solution for M365

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Aerospace and Defense

Aerospace and Defense

eShare's Cybersecurity Solutions: Transitioning to Microsoft's GCCH Environment and Achieving CMMC Compliance

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The State of Collaboration in the Digital Workplace

Discover key strategies for secure and efficient external collaboration.
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Collaboration of PCI Data from Microsoft 365

Gain expert insights on how eShare can help ensure PCI DSS compliance while leveraging Microsoft 365.
Get your copy now!

“eShare's seamless integration with our DLP policies and Microsoft 365 ensures that our data is protected at all times, offering peace of mind with every shared file.”
Senior Cyber Security Analyst, Manufacturing Company