The individuals you share files with outside of your organization are seldom the only ones who require access in order to meet the business need for sharing the file in the first place.
For example:
• A supplier to whom you've sent and RFP may need to pull in a product manager in order to respond,
• A private wealth client with whom you've shared a statement may want their accountant to have access to the same file for tax purposes, and
• An R&D partner to whom you've sent a Joint Venture agreement will almost certainly need their legal counsel to review the contract.
When the need to re-share files arises, you and the outside party have options, but all come with significant drawbacks.
The recipient of a shared file could download the file (assuming you allow this) and pass this onto the other party. But if online editing and co-authoring of the document was your intent, the other party can't participate.
The recipient could reach out to you and ask you to send the file to the other party or add them to the list of persons authorized to access the shared file, but this is a hassle for both of you and will take some time to coordinate.
But why not allow the recipient of a shared file to assign their rights to access the file to a 3rd party?

With eShare this can be easily done, either on a policy-basis or a case-by-case basis. And you can optionally require the data owner's approval for this re-sharing. Better still, you can require this approval:
• Never...all re-sharing is automatically approved,
• In all cases...all re-sharing must be approved, or
• Only when the additional recipient is not within the same organization as the original recipient.
There are many advantages to allowing 3rd parties to participate in a collaboration.
• It's productive for all involved,
• It encourages more file sharing via links (versus email attachment), and
• It reduces the need for downloads, eliminating data duplication and versioning issues and improving data protection.
Schedule a demo with us to learn more.
Visit the eShare web site for details on use cases, success stories and product features.