Sharing & Collaboration in the Age of Epidemics

We live in interesting times. As the large enterprise struggles through digital transformation in the Age of AI, it now has to grapple with operating in the Age of Epidemics.

"we see a world that is more connected than ever by international travel, but that has also succumbed to growing isolationism and xenophobia. We see a time when scientific research and the demand for news, the spread of misinformation and the spread of a virus, all happen at a relentless, blistering pace."

Photo - people using mobile phones

Every organization has curbed business travel and has staff working from home - but they can't drop the ball with business partners and customers.

Leadership teams that weren't prepared for this shift found themselves dealing with team mis--alignment, incoherent communication, unexpected expenses, missed revenue - even unhappy consumers. And here's a reality check: depending on how your company's journey to the cloud has progressed, you may have few or no external sharing and collaboration options...

Trying to use cloud file storage to share files with folks outside your company like auditors, consultants, regulators, partners - even customers - is unfortunately a non-starter for most organizations. The world is dangerous. Bad actors are constantly imitating OneDrive, GDrive, Box and Dropbox for nefarious purposes - like phishing. The reality is that the built-in sharing options are not designed for external users. Their use of their own domain (e.g. and for links (among other issues) makes them hard to verify. So they’re usually blocked by large or regulated recipient organizations. [More...]

The good news is, you can add e-Share to your existing O365 or GSuite installation and make sharing quick and easy for all employees! Our enterprise grade platform includes:

• Out-of-box Integration with Microsoft O365, Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, Azure Blob storage and more

• Operation under your company's domain, SSL certificate, logo, colors and legal terms - so recipients know it's safe to share and collaborate

• Full support for SSO, auto-provisioning, with no hardware or storage required

• Powerful sharing features including requiring recipients to login with OpenID, without requiring software download or plug-ins

• Web based portal allows completely self-service administration 

Find out why some of the most demanding large, regulated enterprises including leading Asset Managers, Health Insurers, Global Manufacturers and Retailers depend on e-Share!

 Schedule a demo with us to see and learn more.

Bill Fletcher

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