Last week we updated the External Collaboration Bot for Microsoft Teams with a policy card. It's thus far one of the Bot's most used features, especially among power users.
The reality is that many eShare users select a previously built policy from the list created, configured and deployed through our administrative web portal: Out of the box, eShare Trusted Sharing offers clients a set of functional policies that describe what the recipient can do. For example - Watermark-Docs or Upload/Download.
Recently we've been working with clients to create new, industry and use-case specific policies. Some examples include:
• Auditors - create, edit, view, upload - allows them to review, comment or enrich, or provide their feedback, but not store copies in their system
• Customer Enrichment - edit-only or create/upload - allows third parties to review customer data and provide a score or other additional data, without being able to download/store a copy
• HR Information - view only, create/upload - allows secure delivery of employee data for growth & reward programs, allowing providers to deliver content securely, but not persist sensitive information of any kind
• Innovation Partner Copy - watermark, one-time access, login required (OpenID accepted). This is used for allowing innovation partners to obtain a copy of a document. They must register to do this, and downloads are automatically watermarked.
• Innovation Partner View - view/edit only, login required. This is used to allow innovation partners to collaborate on shared information, without making a copy.
• Regulator Disclosure - view only, access code required - many regulators require a view-only experience, but with 2FA without software installation. eShare Secure Mail can be used to deliver the access code securely (and again, without requiring the regulator to install a browser)
• Regulator Reporting - watermark, access code required, one-time access - when providing a copy is required, each is watermarked with the delivery email and IP address to ensure trace=ability in the event of a breach. The share is expired automatically after a single use to minimize risk. Note that regulators will not perform signup/registration activity.
These types of fine-grained controls make all the difference when it comes to enabling partners to deliver value.
We'd love to hear about the policies and controls you need for external sharing, please feel free to comment below!