The Cost of Complexity: How Disjointed Tools Impair External Collaboration Across Roles


In today's digital-first environment, effective external collaboration is the cornerstone of success for any organization. However, the proliferation of disparate collaboration tools with suboptimal user experiences can have a detrimental impact on various roles within a company.

Let’s explore the hidden costs of this complexity and how it can impede efficiency, security, and progress across the board.

• For the Digital Workplace Executive - Dismantling Silos, Building Bridges: As architects of the digital workplace, executives are tasked with crafting a cohesive environment that promotes productivity and innovation. A myriad of disjointed tools can create silos, complicating the user experience and leading to inefficiencies. Fragmentation hampers the flow of information, delays decision-making, and can ultimately stunt the organization’s growth in a competitive landscape.

• For the Information Security Officer - Guarding the Gates in a Maze of Vulnerabilities: Security officers understand that every new tool adds potential chinks in the organization’s armor. Multiple collaboration platforms mean more endpoints to secure, more user behaviors to monitor, and a higher risk of breaches. Inconsistent user experiences across tools can also lead to shadow IT practices that skirt security protocols, making the organization’s data more vulnerable than ever.

• For the GRC Professional - Navigating a Labyrinth of Compliance: Governance, risk, and compliance hinge on consistency and control. When employees grapple with a confusing array of tools, adherence to compliance policies can become inconsistent. This not only exposes the organization to regulatory penalties but also makes it difficult to enforce standardized processes that align with GRC requirements.

• For the Identity and Access Management Lead - Who's Who in the Zoo?: Identity and access management leads work tirelessly to ensure that the right people have access to the right information. A convoluted tool landscape complicates this mission, making it challenging to manage permissions accurately and monitor access effectively. Poor user experiences can lead to unauthorized information sharing, compromising both data integrity and regulatory compliance.

• For the IT Administrator - Taming an Unruly Tech Ecosystem: IT administrators are responsible for maintaining a smooth-operating tech ecosystem. An array of poorly integrated tools can lead to a support nightmare, with increased helpdesk calls, training requirements, and maintenance issues. The user experience suffers, and IT teams are diverted from strategic initiatives to put out fires.

• For the Business Unit Leader - The High Cost of Low Productivity: Business unit leaders aim to drive their teams toward meeting business objectives with efficiency. When team members struggle with cumbersome tools, productivity plummets. The time spent navigating complex systems detracts from core business activities, stifling innovation and slowing the pace of business.

• For the Executive Sponsor - Vision vs. Reality: Executive sponsors champion the strategic vision of efficient, streamlined operations. A cluttered toolset with poor user experiences can create a disconnect between this vision and the operational reality. It can lead to misalignment within teams, hindered collaboration with partners, and a diluted focus on strategic initiatives.

• For the Procurement Specialist - The Hidden Costs Unveiled: Procurement specialists seek to optimize spending, but the true cost of a fragmented toolset extends beyond the price tag. The inefficiencies and productivity losses that stem from a poor user experience can result in a far greater financial impact than anticipated, eroding the value of investments in technology.


The repercussions of a disjointed array of collaboration tools are felt across every role in an organization, from executives to front-line workers. It's not just about the inconvenience of switching between platforms; it's about the ripple effect on productivity, security, compliance, and ultimately, the organization's bottom line.
In a world where collaboration is key, ensuring that the user experience is as seamless as possible is not a luxury—it's a necessity. As we look to the future, organizations must prioritize consolidating their toolsets to pave the way for a more connected, secure, and efficient collaborative environment.


Evaluate your collaboration ecosystem. Is it time for a change? Reach out to us to learn how eShare can streamline your collaborative efforts across the board with a unified, user-centric experience.

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